Programs & Services

Latex gloved hands examine a patient's foot.

Diabetic Foot Care Program & Foot Care Services

The Fort Frances Family Health Team provides footcare services for high risk diabetic patients, and other patients requiring as-needed …

A needle is being filled from a vial by a latex encased hand.

Immunization & Injection Services

The Fort Frances Family Health Team provides injection services as part of patient care. Patients must have their prescription filled prior to attending the appointment …

Two people look through a nutrition chart together.


The Fort Frances Family Health Team provides nutrition services with a Registered Dietitian. Dietitians are regulated health professionals who provide education, advice and counselling …

A man gets his elbow wrapped in a tension bandage by a medical professional.

Wound Management

The Fort Frances Family Health Team provides wound management through assessment, treatment and follow up. Services are provided in collaboration with the patient and other …

A nicotine patch on a woman's arm

Smoking Cessation

Would you like to quit or reduce smoking? Patients of the Fort Frances Physician’s Group can self-refer to the smoking cessation program. When you are ready, we are here to help you …

A man holds up an asthma inhaler in one hand and holds his other hand over his chest.

Lung Health

The lung health program monitors and manages conditions such as asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) through the following services. …

A medical professional listens to a woman's chest with a stethoscope

Heart Health

The Fort Frances Family Health Team’s Heart Health program is for those living with or at risk for high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease. Monitoring and management is provided through our …