Patient Information

  • You have the right to be treated with consideration, courtesy and respect;
  • You have the right to privacy regarding your healthcare and all personal health information;
  • You have the right to information about your medical condition;
  • You have the right to participate in decisions about your care;
  • You have the right to an explanation of your treatment including benefits, risks and alternatives;
  • You have the right to give or refuse consent for treatment and be informed of the consequences of giving and refusing consent;
  • You have the right to confidentiality of all information as outlined in the law;
  • You have the right to know the identity and profession of those responsible for your care;
  • You have the right to express any concerns and compliments by participating in our patient experience survey or by using the compliment and complaint form on this website;
  • If you have a physical or intellectual disability, you have a right to reasonable accommodation in accordance with the law.
  • Actively participate in your plan of care;
  • Provide accurate information regarding your health and previous care;
  • Choose and commit to your healthcare goals;
  • Voice any questions or concerns so you are comfortable with your treatment;
  • Be considerate and respectful of all team members and other patients you may encounter;
  • Be reliable in coming to your appointments;
  • Advise us of changes in your condition, address, health card and contact information;
  • Be aware the FF FHT has a zero tolerance policy for use of profanity, aggressive and disrespectful behaviour toward staff and other patients.
  • Ontario Health Card (OHIP) number;
  • Contact information including address, telephone number, email, emergency contact;
  • The name of your pharmacy;
  • Consent to leave you a detailed voicemail message, if needed;
  • Consent to allow a specific person to access your personal health information, if needed;
  • The name of your substitute decision-maker/power of attorney;

We ask you about the nature of your visit to ensure we book enough time for your appointment. If it’s too personal to say, just let us know.

Most forms must be completed by your family physician and not a Nurse Practitioner. Please clarify what form you have in order to be appropriately directed.

Arrive a few minutes before your scheduled appointment time.

If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.

Renewals can take up to 3 weeks to process. Plan accordingly. There are safety checks in place for prescription renewals to protect you – they take time.

If the medication prescribed to you is not affordable, please discuss this with your primary care provider. Your provider may be able to suggest a suitable alternative.

Prescription renewals are to be sent by your pharmacy. Call your pharmacy and ask that a request be sent to the FF FHT.

Narcotic renewals will only be completed by original prescribing primary care provider.

Patients are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner towards all staff, volunteers, students and other patients.

Patients are to attend appointments unimpaired by alcohol and drugs.

Patients are expected to respect FF FHT physical property.

Profane, threatening or abusive language, innuendos, sexual advances and any other form of verbal interaction that ought to be known to be unwelcome and/or disrespectful are not tolerated.

Physical abuse, violence, threats of violence, bullying or intimidating behaviour, unwanted or unnecessary physical contact and any other behaviour that ought to be known to be unwelcome and/or disrespectful are not tolerated.

Unacceptable behaviour may result in discontinued services.


Mon-Thu: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Fridays: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Closed daily: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Contact Us

Phone: (807) 274-3287 ext. 1

Fax: 807-274-7875

301 Victoria Avenue
Fort Frances, ON P9A 2C1